Aspiring Musician Competition

The Timpanogos Symphony Orchestra has spent years promoting educational and community outreach within Utah County and across the state of Utah. On Friday, May 9, 2025 at 7:30 pm, the orchestra reprises the “Aspiring Musicians Competition” concert. Musicians who have won in years past have gone on to study music professionally and all have brought the power of music and art to our stage. As an organization, offering a chance for studying musicians to perform with a full orchestra is central to our mission statement to inspire musicians and audiences alike! We are grateful for the opportunity to provide live music to our community and recognize the meaningful impact the arts have for us individually and their power to unify us collectively.

See the details, rules and regulations below. We have provided an Approved Repertoire List. If a participant wishes to use an alternate small chamber orchestra concerto, you may submit your request for approval to before submitting an application.


The Process

1st Round: Registration: Deadline Monday, March 3rd, 2025

  • Start the application by clicking on the Click to Begin Application button. All applicants interested in the competition are to fill out the application and pay the registration fee by the deadline: Monday, March 3rd, 2025.

  • There is a $45 registration fee which must be paid upon submission of the application form.  THERE WILL BE NO LATE REGISTRATION.

  • Upon receiving the application and registration fee, the Timpanogos Symphony Orchestra will send the applicant an email outlining how to provide video links for the competition’s first round. Links must be provided by Monday, March 10th, 2025.

Submission of Video: Deadline Monday, March 10th, 2025

  • A video link from YouTube must be provided.

  • A link to the video on YouTube must be sent via email to: Upon receipt, a confirmation email will be sent to the applicant.

  • The submitted entry video should be performed by the aspiring musician and include the entire work or movement to be considered.

  • The video must begin with the competitor announcing their name as well as the composer and title of the piece to be performed. In addition, the competitor must announce that this is for the TSO Aspiring Musician Competition.

  • By participating and uploading a competition video, competitors are giving their consent to have their videos viewed by the competition judges as well as the TSO Executive Board.

  • Members of the competition jury will be looking for artistry, musicianship, technical skills, and stage presence. The deadline for uploading and submitting/emailing the competition video is Monday, March 10th, 2025 at 11:59 p.m.

Personal and Data Consent

  • The initial round of this competition is held online through the use of YouTube. Personal information collected from competitors will be used in accordance with the YouTube Community Guidelines, which is available at Information will be used in accordance with YouTube policy and also within the guidelines for this competition. Each competitor expressly agrees to the use of his or her personal information for such purposes.

Announcement of Finalists: Wednesday, March 26th, 2025

Final Round: LIVE Competition, Saturday, April 12th, 2025 (location: Summerhays Music, Orem)

  • The live final competition will take place on Saturday, April 12th, 2025.

  • Those selected for the final round must be available on this date.

  • Finalists must bring their own accompanist.

  • The Final Round Live Competition will be limited to the participant and family only.

  • Finalists will perform for a panel of distinguished judges.

  • Competitors will each be granted a 10-minute time slot. Please note, each finalist may not have time to perform their entire movement and should be willing to start and stop at any place asked by the judges.

  • Warm-up times will be given to each competitor prior to his or her LIVE audition.

Announcement of Winners: Monday, April 14th, 2025

Rules and Regulations

*All questions regarding the competition, video link submission, or the LIVE final round can be directed to:


  • The Aspiring Musician Competition is open to all studying musicians age 25 and below.

  • We have provided a suggested Repertoire List.

    If a participant wishes to use an alternate orchestra concerto, you may submit your request to before submitting an application for approval.  

  • This competition is open to all instrument and voice types.

  • As there will be multiple winners, the TSO asks that competitors plan to perform one movement from a selected work or keep pieces to a 20-minute limit.

  • A parent or legal guardian of a candidate who is under the age of 18 must ensure that the competitor will comply with these rules and warrant that the competitor is capable of agreeing to these rules and giving the necessary consent. In addition, the parent or legal guardian must be present during the LIVE round if the competitor advances.

  • The parent or legal guardian of the competitor must agree to indemnify The Timpanogos Symphony for and against: (a) any claims made by the competitor, his or her legal guardian, or any member of his or her family against The Timpanogos Symphony in connection with the competition; and (b) any losses (including any liability) caused by any conduct of the candidate that is inconsistent with these rules.

  • Musicians and their families agree to participate at their own risk; state, county, and town regulations may mean last-minute cancellations or other changes.


  • The registration form can be found by clicking on the Click to Begin Application button.

  • At the time of registration, applicants must pay the $45 registration fee. Payment of this fee signifies official entry into this competition.

  • The deadline for registration and payment is Monday, March 3rd, 2025. There will be NO LATE REGISTRATION. 

Competition Dates

  • Video Round: Submit video link to by Monday, March 10th, 2025.

    • Finalists will be notified by Wednesday, March 26th, 2025.

  • LIVE Final Round: Saturday, April 12th, 2025.

  • Aspiring Musician Concert: Friday, May 9, 2025 @ 7:30 p.m. at Orem High School

Repertoire Restrictions

  • Our Music Director and guest judges reserve the right to base decisions on programming.

  • Please review the approved Repertoire List.

    • If a participant wishes to use a concerto not on the repertoire list, they may submit their request for approval to before submitting an application.


  • All competitors will be evaluated on: musicianship, creativity, flexibility, technical skills, and tone production on their given instrument.


  • The Timpanogos Symphony will choose six (6) winners for this competition.

  • In addition to performing with The Timpanogos Symphony Orchestra, each winner will receive a monetary prize.

  • Rehearsal will be on the following dates:

    • 1st Rehearsal will be at the Highland Community Center on May 1st, 2025 from 7-9:30 p.m.

    • Dress Rehearsal will be at Orem High School on Thursday, May 8th, 2025 at 7-9:30 p.m.

  • The Aspiring Musician Winners Concert will be performed at Orem High School on Friday May 9th, 2025, at 7:30 p.m.


  • All travel/lodging fees as well as accompanist fees are the responsibility of the performer.


  • Should it become necessary for a candidate to cancel, the candidate must notify the Timpanogos Symphony. Alternate dates for the Live Competition cannot be accommodated.


  • Candidates who do not comply with these rules will be disqualified. Candidates who provide false information in the application will be disqualified.


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